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Build a river park,
not a parking lot.

Save 3701 Pacific Place
for community green space.

Asthma rates are high in western Long Beach
"City parks serve, day in and day out,
as the primary green spaces for the majority of Americans."

- Bruce Babbit

It makes us sick.

LACK OF GREEN SPACE directly affects health outcomes. Long Beach has one of the highest rates of asthma in the nation. Residents of western Long Beach pay an extra price with higher exposure to pollution from freeways, ports, refineries, and other heavy industries. Our residents have a 5-10 years shorter life expectancy than our neighbors in eastern Long Beach. 

Green Space Inequity in Long Beach, CA

It's our last chance.

Clean air, not concrete.

It isn't fair.

WESTERN LONG BEACH has 1 acre of parkland per 1,000 residents. That's only 10% of the green space recommended for healthy, vibrant communities. In East Long Beach, folks enjoy over 16.7 acres of parkland per 1,000 residents. That's an enormous difference! But if we don’t stop them, developers will soon build on the last remaining open space in western Long Beach.

3701 Pacific Place: Last chance for a river park

WESTERN LONG BEACH IS DESPERATE for green space and access to nature. Despite decades of promising us a park along the LA River, our elected representatives have yet to build one. 3701 Pacific Place is the last remaining large-scale open space available along the river. Right now, developers are on track to turn this rare open space into a 4-story storage facility, RV parking lot, private RV wash, and RV waste dump station. If the development proposal moves forward, we will never add the green space we need and the LA River will lose a crucial opportunity for natural habitat and flood mitigation.

3701 Pacific Place is our last chance for more green space.

Stop industrial development.

Blue Heron

Anthony Rendon

Letter of Support


Alan Lowenthal
Letter of Support


Patrick O'Donnell

Letter of Support

We reject the Environmental
Impact Report at 3701 Pacific Place

We the undersigned neighborhood associations, community-based organizations, environmental and environmental justice organizations write in strong opposition to the current development proposal at 3701 Pacific Place. As organizations that represent and serve communities in Long Beach and throughout California, we urge Long Beach decision-makers to reject more polluting industry in western Long Beach and instead support investments in the health and vitality of these communities.

Who's on our side?

Friends of the LA River
LA Waterkeepers
East Yard Communities
Green Latinos
Khmer Girls
LA Neighborhood Land Trust
Mujeres de la Tierra
Blue Heron

Use your voice.

WE HAVE THE POWER to make our voices heard! It's time to put City leaders on notice that we won't accept more asphalt and industrial development! Remind the City Council of its responsibility to respond to community needs. 

Reject more pollution.

TELL YOUR CITY LEADERS they must reject the current proposal at 3701 Pacific Place by voting NO on the Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR), as well as deny any permit for the proposed development.

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